by Miriam Bellamy | Affair Recovery
Here in this final post for the 12-part series on infidelity and infidelity counseling, I’d like to go back to the beginning…back to where we started…back to talking about trusting…now in a way you are perhaps ready for. But brace yourselves. This post has the...
by Miriam Bellamy | Neurofeedback
For the Cheating Spouse A Leg to Stand On I don’t often write posts specifically for the cheating spouse, although I think much of what I write is applicable to both spouses. In the past, writing specifically for the cheating spouse seems to get fairly strong...
by Miriam Bellamy | Neurofeedback
Redefining the Challenge “A problem well defined is half solved.” -Pete Bellamy (my dad) John was struggling terribly. His grief was palpable in the counseling session. He believed that his wife Ginny didn’t really understand how much pain he was in...
by Miriam Bellamy | Affair Recovery
It’s bigger than you. In the last post, I started exploring the idea that marital infidelity is bigger than you and bigger than your relationship. Brian and Wilma discovered this on their own when one of their arguments was unintentionally overheard by their teen and...
by Miriam Bellamy | Affair Recovery
Part 8 It’s not what you deserve. It’s what you believe. Continuing in the vein of this idea that affair recovery, if it’s going to be successful, cannot be stuck in thinking about what you deserve. If a person is to heal, she must begin to really focus on what she...
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