by Miriam Bellamy | Affair Recovery, Infidelity Counseling, Relationship Coaching
The Bridge Back Hope After Betrayal Couples in affair recovery who are eventually able to trust each other, have done so slowly and deliberately. There is a dedication. A focus. And after years of working with one couple and another, I see each new relationship as its...
by Miriam Bellamy | Affair Recovery, Infidelity Counseling
Is There Hope After Infidelity? I get asked this question a lot. I answer it with a question: hope for what? Depending on the phase of affair recovery you are in, you may be hoping for different things. The early phases are disorienting. One or both of you may still...
by Miriam Bellamy | Infidelity Counseling
For many people, their perception of PTSD comes from the way the media depicts it. Often, PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is shown as something that commonly impacts soldiers who go to war, police officers, firefighters, or paramedics. Unfortunately, there...
by Miriam Bellamy | Infidelity Counseling
Finding out your spouse was unfaithful is profoundly devastating for most. If you’re like many of our clients, you’re feeling deeply betrayed. Angry. Even rageful at times. Many of our clients feel abandoned and confused. Perhaps you and your spouse are growing...
by Miriam Bellamy | Infidelity Counseling
Can Your Marriage Survive An Affair? The Best Guide To Affair Recovery Counseling When you said your marriage vows, the last thing you ever thought you’d be dealing with, is an affair that turned your whole world upside down. If you were giving advice to a friend, you...
by Miriam Bellamy | Infidelity Counseling
Many couples, after the affair, experience a kind of honeymoon phase with high highs and low lows, with a lot of clinging to each other and then swinging to a lot of intense conflict. Even if there isn’t a kind of honeymoon phase, couples experience a kind of...
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